Ken Tanabe is a public speaker
Loving Day founder Ken Tanabe speaking at the Global PR Summit
Photo from Global PR Summit

I speak about creating social change through graphic design, often with a focus on building multiethnic community. I have spoken at events including the HOW Design Conference, the Global PR Summit, and the Critical Mixed Race Studies conference. I have presented at universities such as Harvard, Columbia, NYU, UC Berkeley, and Parsons School of Design. I have also spoken at many cultural/creative events at places like the Museum of Chinese in America and the Brooklyn Historical Society.

Ken Tanabe speaking on a panel at the Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference at DePaul University

I have been a panelist at events and conferences like the Global PR Summit and the Critical Mixed Race Studies conference.

Ken Tanabe facilitating a discussion at a conference at Harvard University

I have moderated discussions and Q&A sessions at Harvard, Columbia University, New York University, and more.

Ken Tanabe moderating a discussion and interviewing a speaker at Museum of Chinese in America in New York City

I have interviewed performers and authors at events hosted by the Museum of Chinese in America and Barnes and Noble.

Prior Speaking Engagements
Date Venue Event Role Topic
10.7.21 Crypto for the Culture (the "first ever diversity crypto conference") Success Stories Pt. 2 Moderator Design
5.29.21 Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) Guest speaker: Design for Social Impact (Certificate Program) Speaker Design
2.27.21 Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) Guest speaker: Design for Social Impact (Certificate Program) Speaker Design
10.17.20 University of California, Berkeley Community: A conversation with Loving Day (Mixed Month Virtual Conference Series) Moderator Loving Day
10.17.20 Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) Guest speaker: Design for Social Impact (Certificate Program) Speaker Design
8.16.20 Tadaima: A Community Virtual Pilgrimage Part Japanese, 100% Nikkei Panelist Loving Day
8.7.18 Japanese American National Museum "Loving" Film Screening and Panel Discussion (part of " 15 Years of the Hapa Project" Exhibition) Panelist Loving Day
3.2.18 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference at University of Maryland (UMD), College Park Community Caucus Moderator Loving Day
9.26.17 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Guest Speaker: Graphic Design Portfolio (Motion Graphics) Class Speaker Design
3.31.17 Liberty University: Center for Multicultural Enrichment Because it Matters Series: Is Virginia Really for Lovers? Speaker Loving Day
3.14.17 NASPA Annual Conference for Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Multiracial Knowledge Community Featured Speaker: Ken Tanabe Speaker Loving Day
2.27.17 J&J Design (Johnson & Johnson) Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing and Design (WiSTEM2D): Career Journey for Tokyo University Speaker Design
1.19.17 J&J Design (Johnson & Johnson) Introduction to Visual Design Speaker Design
4.1.16 University & College Designers Association (UCDA) Design Summit (Santa Fe) Design Your Way to Social Good Speaker Loving Day
3.31.16 University & College Designers Association (UCDA) Design Summit (Santa Fe) Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries Through Design Speaker Design
11.24.15 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Guest Speaker: Graphic Design Portfolio (Motion Graphics) Class Speaker Design
9.30.15 LGBT Community Center (New York) The Loving Quilt: A People’s Living History of Marriage Equality and Social Justice Speaker Loving Day
4.9.15 Brown University Loving Week: Dinner with Ken Tanabe Speaker Loving Day
2.17.15 PADIS “El Valor de Diseño” (The Value of Design) seminar (Lima, Peru) Engaging New Audiences Through Experiences Speaker Design
2.6.15 Ethical Culture Fieldston School (Bronx, NY) “Festivals and Traditions” Assembly Speaker Loving Day
11.25.14 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Guest Speaker: Graphic Design Portfolio (Motion Graphics) Class Speaker Design
11.21.14 Parsons School of Design Guest Speaker: Design and Language Class Speaker Design
11.15.14 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference at DePaul University, Chicago Roundtable: The Lived Experiences of Contemporary Mixed Race Couples in the U.S. Moderator Loving Day
11.4.14 Global PR Summit 2014 (Miami) How To Create A Mass Movement Speaker, Panelist Loving Day
6.1.14 A.C.T.O.R. (A Continuing Talk on Race) Series at Busboys and Poets (Washington, DC) Loving Day with Founder Ken Tanabe Speaker Loving Day
5.14.14 HOW Design Conference Design for Non-Profits and Grass Roots Projects Speaker Design
4.20.14 Smith College Third Annual Loving Day Celebration Speaker Loving Day
3.11.14 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Social Change in Multicultural Communities Speaker Loving Day
3.11.14 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign In Remembrance of Loving Day: A Discussion on Interracial Marriage Speaker Loving Day
2.16.14 Wellesley College Wellesley Fusion Presents Loving Day 2014 Speaker Loving Day
11.14.13 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Guest Speaker: Graphic Design Portfolio (Motion Graphics) Class Speaker Design
11.9.13 Where Integration Meets Innovation Conference on Public Schools Creating and Enriching Spaces for Multiethnic Community Dialogue Speaker Loving Day
10.8.13 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Guest Speaker: Graphic Design Portfolio (Motion Graphics) Class Speaker Design
7.28.13 Asian American International Film Festival Hafu Film Screening Moderator Design
4.17.13 City University of New York (CUNY BMCC) Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries Through Design Speaker Design
4.9.13 The Jewish Museum (New York) Movies that Matter High School Film Festival: The Loving Story Moderator Loving Day
4.5.13 Hapa Japan Conference 2013 at the University of Southern California (USC) A Roundtable Discussion of Community-Based Organizations: History and Prospects Speaker Loving Day
3.30.13 "How To Be An Ally" Symposium at Smith College Allies Know Where They Come From: Creating Positive Change Through Knowledge and Compassion Speaker Loving Day
2.28.13 New York University (NYU) Loving Day Celebration and Discussion Speaker Loving Day
11.29.12 College of Wooster Perceptions of Multiethnic Identity Speaker Loving Day
11.13.12 Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries Through Design Speaker Design
11.02.12 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference at DePaul University, Chicago Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations: Exploring Historically Situated Oral Histories of Mixed-Heritage in Brooklyn Speaker, Panelist Loving Day
11.02.12 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference at DePaul University, Chicago An Affective Nation: Moving Multiracialism Forward Speaker, Panelist Loving Day
10.10.12 Bentley University Bentley University, What Are You? Loving Day and Multiethnic Identity Speaker Loving Day
10.04.12 Brooklyn Historical Society What Are You? A Discussion About Mixed Heritage Speaker, Panelist Loving Day
10.25.12 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Guest Speaker: Graphic Design Portfolio (Motion Graphics) Class Speaker Design
07.31.12 3rd Ward Building Communities Through Design Speaker Design
07.15.12 Japanese American National Museum Mixed Roots Film and Literary Festival Opening Remarks Speaker Loving Day
05.17.12 National Coalition on School Diversity Conference at Georgetown University Law Center Promoting Cross-Racial Contact and Awareness Outside of School Panelist Loving Day
04.14.12 “How To Be An Ally” Symposium at Smith College How to Stay Engaged in the Multiethnic Community After Graduation Speaker Loving Day
04.07.12 Harvard SWAYA Multiracial Issues Conference 2012 at Harvard University Mixed in the Press 2011-2012: How far have we come since “Loving”? Speaker Loving Day
04.07.12 Harvard SWAYA Multiracial Issues Conference 2012 at Harvard University “White Girls Say” Videos on YouTube: What do they say about mixed race? Speaker Loving Day
04.04.12 Wesleyan University Wesleyan MIX presents: Loving Day Celebration 2012 Speaker Loving Day
04.01.12 Columbia University “Neither Here Nor There” Film Screening and Panel Discussion Moderator Loving Day
03.30.12 New York University (NYU) Broome Street Residential College “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” Screening, Dinner, and Discussion Moderator Loving Day
03.21.12 New York University (NYU) Loving Day Celebration and Discussion Speaker Loving Day
03.14.12 University of Maryland, College Park Loving Day Maryland, hosted by the The Multiracial Biracial Student Association Speaker Loving Day
03.11.12 Brooklyn Historical Society Watch & Discuss the groundbreaking 1967 film Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Moderator Loving Day
02.25.12 International Center of Photography Museum The Loving Story: Photographs by Grey Villet Speaker Loving Day
12.08.11 Museum of Chinese in America The Hapa Project: A Discussion with Kip Fulbeck Interviewer, Moderator Loving Day
10.11.11 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Guest Speaker: Graphic Design Portfolio (Motion Graphics) Class Speaker Design
07.06.11 Barnes and Noble Tribeca “Kissing Outside the Lines” with Diane Farr and Loving Day Interviewer, Moderator Loving Day
08.19.11 Columbia University Jeff Chiba Stearns’ “One Big Hapa Family” Screening Interviewer, Moderator Loving Day


Hapa Japan Conference 2011 at the University of California, Berkeley Presentations from the Community Speaker Loving Day
03.26.11 Harvard SWAYA Multiracial Issues Conference 2011 at Harvard University Multiethnic Community Collaboration and Growth Speaker Loving Day
03.03.11 University of Maryland, College Park Nancy Clarvit Design Week 2011 Speaker Design
11.14.10 Anthology Film Archives Hiroshima Nagasaki Download, New York Premiere, Q&A, and fundraiser concert MC, Moderator Culture
11.06.10 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference at DePaul University, Chicago Community based multiracial movements: learning from the past, looking toward the future Panelist Loving Day
11.06.10 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference at DePaul University, Chicago Loving Day Movement and Marriage Equality movement Panelist Loving Day
10.12.10 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Guest Speaker: Graphic Design Portfolio (Motion Graphics) Class Speaker Design
08.09.10 Columbia University Mississippi Masala: Screening and Discussion Panelist, Moderator Loving Day
12.20.09 The Sulu Series at the Bowery Poetry Club Hapa-palooza Panelist Loving Day
10.16.09 Loving Day Benefit Concert 2009 Loving Day Benefit Concert 2009 MC Loving Day
09.14.09 Pecha Kucha Night New York #7 Loving Day at Solar 1 Speaker Design
05.09.09 Parsons School of Design, Theresa Lang Auditorium Parsons MFA Design + Technology Thesis Symposium 2009 Keynote Speaker Design
04.15.09 New York University (NYU) School of Law What’s Race Got To Do With It? A Panel Discussion About Obama, Race, and Politics Moderator Loving Day
03.27.09 Parsons School of Design, Kellen Auditorium The Fundamentals of Freelancing Speaker Design
03.14.09 Baruch Performing Arts Center, Engelman Recital Hall Mixed: A One-Woman Show by Maya Lilly Panelist Loving Day
12.04.08 New York University (NYU) Parallel Adele: A Vietnamese Documentary Film Screening with Q&A Moderator Loving Day
11.18.08 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Guest Speaker: Graphic Design Portfolio (Motion Graphics) Class Speaker Design
03.30.08 Parsons School of Design How To Get a Job in the Film, TV, Motion Graphics, Animation Industries: Discussion and Reel Review (Parsons Reel Workshop) Speaker Design
02.08.08 American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Conference for Multiracial and Multiple Identities at the Hilton St. Louis, MO Campus Best Practices for Multiracial and Multiple Identities Panelist Loving Day
12.23.07 Loving Decision Conference 2007: The Next 40 Years of Multiracial Communities at Roosevelt University, Chicago Campus Workshop: “Beyond the Conference: Easy and Tangible Ways to Build Community” Speaker Loving Day
12.07.07 Columbia University Silences: Documentary Film Screening with Q&A Moderator Loving Day
04.09.07 Columbia University Exploring the Hapa Identity Speaker Loving Day
12.11.06 Columbia University Our Pride: The Spirit of Black Japanese in Georgia Moderator Loving Day
09.01.06 Parsons School of Design Parsons MFA Design + Technology Boot Camp Speaker Design
05.01.06 Apple Flagship Store Soho Apple Store Presentation with Freestyle Collective Speaker Design
01.10.06 MacWorld Conference 2006 at the Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, CA MacWorld Apple Forum 2006: “Knowledge, Innovation, Imagination” (Freestyle Collective) Speaker Design
12.02.04 Parsons School of Design Diverse Perceptions Student Film Festival (hosted by the Parsons Diversity Committee) Panelist Loving Day
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