Halloween 2008: Green Armor

Ken Tanabe Halloween Costume 2008
Ken Tanabe Halloween Costume 2008
Ken Tanabe Halloween Costume 2008
Ken Tanabe Halloween Costume 2008

This costume is inspired by the Sydney Opera House, animals with segmented exoskeletons (such as shrimp and lobsters), and “giant” Japanese robots (like Voltron and certain Gundam robots). I created a modular system which allowed me to build the shoulders, hips, toes, and most of the head with identical parts. The heels, chest/back plates, and face mask have unique shapes.

Free of charge: 5 FedEx shipping tubes, 2 large FedEx shipping boxes. Bought: 2 cans of Montana Gold spray paint (2 x $10), black costume gloves ($6.50). Already owned: black turleneck, black jeans, assorted small bolts, nuts, and washers, X-acto knife.