NCAA: “As Tiger Woods prepares for the U.S. Open and Barack Obama readies for the general election, it seems fitting to take some time and reflect on the generation that stood up and said ‘it’s time for change.’”
NPR: “For the millions of mixed race couples and their families, this Loving Day is one to be particularly celebrated…personified in Barack Obama’s candidacy.”
NPR: “For the millions of mixed race couples and their families, this Loving Day is one to be particularly celebrated…personified in Barack Obama’s candidacy.”
NPR: “Even though it is in no way an official holiday, the June 12th anniversary of the Loving Decision is celebrated by many people who are in interracial marriages or are the product of interracial marriages.”
BBC: “The largest of a number of parties across the country held to celebrate the anniversary of the Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court ruling. Individuals and couples of different backgrounds and cultures all brought together by the Lovings’ story. ”
Pacifica Radio: “Today is Loving Day, even if it is unofficially, but it’s Loving Day commemorating the Supreme Court decision in the case of Loving versus Virginia.”

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