Halloween 2021: Aquamarine Beams

Imagine pouring water from one cup to another. Now, freeze it in time. This costume takes that idea, applies it to the human form, and gives it the spark of life. Deep thanks to super-creative photographer Willie Davis and super-fabulous stylist Catherine Leung.
Bought: IKEA Slukis shopping bags (3x$1.49), IKEA Fniss trash cans (12x$0.99), small roll of gaffer’s tape ($5.95), one-inch by 48-inch polyurethane foam (1 foot at $19.85/yard = $6.62 used). Already owned: black clothes (long-sleeved t-shirt, jeans, socks), machine screws (4x), machine screw nuts (4x), steel washers (4x), one coat hanger (to connect helmet halves), two pairs of disposable bamboo chopsticks (to hold up the arms), masking tape, scissors, X-Acto knife, box cutter, awl, seam ripper, needle, thread, handheld sewing machine, ruler, pencil, string (to measure bucket circumference), safety goggles, work gloves.