Halloween 2013: Pink Wings

To celebrate ten years of Halloween costume tradition, I designed a matching set (male and female). Both costumes use similar modular components to create different effects. They are inspired by winged armor and helmets worn by the Vikings and Marvel’s Thor character. It was also inspired by winged shoes by Jeremy Scott for Adidas and fashion photography. Many thanks to Catherine Leung for modeling and assisting with construction, and to John Blackford for skillfully taking these photos.
All items listed are for each costume. Bought: 25 (5 packs of 5) Flyt magazine files from Ikea ($9.95), three cans of Montana Gold “gleaming pink” spray paint ($22.39), two Montana Gold soft fat caps ($0.82), assorted nuts, bolts, and washers ($7.96). Already owned: black turtleneck, black jeans, black socks, black costume gloves, ruler, X-acto blades, gaffer’s tape, scissors.