Halloween 2005: Red Hazmat

This costume was inspired by protective suits for handing hazardous materials (hazmat), and early 20th century metal diving helmets (with round windows). The tubes from the mask are connected to a matching “backpack” to suggest filtration or an oxygen supply. The materials were from both my kitchen and the hardware store. I wore this costume in the annual Halloween parade in New York City, where I was filmed by NY1 and a Chinese cable network.
Bought: plastic tubing ($1.99), paint roller tray ($1.35), red gloves ($5.00), red spray paint ($2.99), assorted small screws, bolts, and washers ($3.96). Already owned: painter’s coveralls, plastic colander, vegetable steamer, bicycle safety light, electrical tape, white Japan-only Adidas shoes. Donated: red duct tape.